How-To Transfer Your Domain Name
The instructions below illustrate the flow of a domain transfer, including the actions taken by each of the parties involved. Please note that all confirmation emails are sent to the Administrative Contact email address listed for the domain.
Guide to Domain Transfers
1. Customer purchases domain transfer at our website.
2. The customer must retrieve an Authorization from their current Domain Registrar, which is needed to initiate the transfer with Below).
3. An automatically generated email is sent to the customer from scapewebwhich contains an ID number, Key Code, and a link to confirm the transfer.
4. Customer confirms the transfer with the ID and Key from the email. If the domain being transferred requires one, the Authorization Code from the losing registrar will also have to be entered (see beloW).
5. We will send an automatically generated email to notifty the losing registrar to transfer the domain.
6. Losing registrar sends confirmation for release of the domain.
7. Customer confirms release with losing registrar (see below for examples of transfer requirements).
8. Losing registrar releases domain to scapeweb.
9. A transfer success email is sent to notify the customer that the domain is now located in their account at scapeweb.
10. Customer now has control of their domain at scapeweb.
Obtaining an Authorization Code
Network Solutions (888) 642-9675 24/7
Call 24 hour support and request Auth Code and they will send to ‘Admin’ contact on domain. Confirmation Email sent to the primary contact on record to approve transfer. (800) 899-0724 24/7
Within Account Management click on a Domain Name to view its details. The Auth Code will be listed on the right. Link within the email confirmation to ‘Admin’ to approve transfer.
Tucows (800) 371-6992, M-F 8am-8pm, support[at]opensrs[dot]org
Auth Code located in account within the Domain Details at, username and password provided from reseller. Email to ‘Admin’ from Transfers[at]opensrs[dot]org to approve transfer.
Verio (800) 438-8374 or support[at]verio[dot]com
Email domreg[at]verio-hosting[dot]com from ‘Admin’ contact email and they will send the Auth Code. Email to ‘Admin’ to approve transfer.
eNom (425) 274-4500
Auth Code located on bottom of ‘whois‘ info for Domain Name located in the account management area. Auto-approval of transfer after approximately 5 days.
Bulk Register (877) 527-8869, M-F 9am-7pm domainsupport[at]bulkregister[dot]com
Email domainsupport[at]bulkregister[dot]com from ‘Admin’, if reseller is listed as ‘Admin’ contact, call reseller. Email to ‘Admin’ to approve transfer from transfer[at]bulkregister[dot]com. (Pre-Approval Needed) No Phone Support
Log into account and go to ‘Service Zone’, under advanced options click ‘Proceed';Next, click ‘Transfer’ button and supply Domain Name. Email sent to ‘Admin’ and within 5 days. Pre-approval granted. 10 day window for transfer begins. Now, go to the ‘Service Zone’ and click the ‘Status’ button. 10 day window with preapproval required.
Transfer Confirmation Email
SCAPEWEB received a request on 2/3/2010 for us to become the new registrar of records.
There will be a link on here to accept the transfer --->
Authorizing a Domain Transfer to Your Account
Your domain transfer will not succeed unless you unlock the domain, remove privacy, set up a valid administrative email, and apply the correct authorization code (for domain names that require one).
To Authorize a Domain Transfer to Your Account
1. Log in to your Account Manager.
2. Under the Domain Names section, select Manage Domains. The Domain Control Center opens.
3. In your folder list, click Pending Transfers.
4. Click Authorization above your list of Pending Transfers.
5. In the Transfer Authorization section, enter your Transaction ID and Security Code from the email notification you received regarding this transfer and click Continue.
6. If applicable, enter your Authorization Code that you received from the current Registrar and click Continue.
Troubleshooting Domain Transfers
Authorization Code (Auth Code) - For domains that require one, the customer must obtain an Auth Code for the transfer from the losing Registrar and enter it in the transfer confirmation page. (For information on Authorization Codes see above) Awaiting Response - The gaining Registrar must receive a response from the Administrative (Admin) Contact within 30 days. If you have not received a confirmation email, verify that the Admin email address is valid. (See an example confirmation email above) Failed Transfer - The domain is locked, expired, or was registered or renewed within the last 60 days and therefore cannot be transferred at this time. If your domain is locked, you must contact your current registrar to unlock it before the transfer can be completed. No Response / Late Response - The losing Registrar must receive a response to the transfer confirmation email within their allotted timeframe. For more information about transferring domains or authorization codes, please visit our Help Center or contact the Customer Support department.